Mourning Has Broken

Wow. It’s been such  a long time since I’ve been on my blog.

I’m happy to say that my book Mourning Has Broken is available on Amazon and Kindle

For all who are interested I hope that you will enjoy it and if you are going through your own grief process may my book be of some comfort to you.


About Carol Balawyder

Hi- Thank you for stopping by. I am the author of the Getting To Mr. Right Series which includes Missi's Dating Adventures, Café Paradise, Not By Design and The Longest Nine Months. I also wrote Mourning Has Broken , a memoire on grief. I am currently using my experience as a criminologist to write crime novels. I am mostly interested in domestic crime and noir fiction. You can read my first psychological suspense novel Warning Signs and my second novel Just Before Sunrise. Being a messy and unorganized writer I wrote two author notebooks to keep me focused on my character traits and my settings. I also blog regularly on my website. I hope to see you there at You can check out my books on my author profile at: I wish you all peace and success.
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6 Responses to Mourning Has Broken

  1. Congratulations on your book publication!

    • Carfour says:

      Thank you so much.

      What a lovely blog you have. I love the part about how horrible it would be not to feel sad, not to feel the pain, to forget.

      Writing the book was tremendously healing in my grief process and to heal means to integrate, to allow the death of a loved one to become part of who we are.

  2. Congratulations on publishing your book. It sounds like it will help others dealing with grief. How good of you to share your experiences.

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  5. witsend99 says:

    Hi Carol – it’s been five years and just starting to feel human again but also had another bereavement within last two years. If you would like to contact me on I’ll send you a couple of bits 🙂 x

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